A New Algorithm for Capacitance Tomography Imaging of Two-phase Flow Regimes

Lixin Wu
Department of Math
Claremont Graduate University

Joint work: A. Attiyah, E. Cumberbatch, A. Limon, and L. Wu

The Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo has been doing extensive research in capacitance tomography as a viable method for determining volume fractions and velocity measurements for multi-component flows in oil pipelines since 2000. In an effort to expand the computational tools utilized to solve this problem, the Math Clinic at Claremont Graduate University studied this project during the 2002-2003 academic year.
In this talk the physical set-up of the measurement section of the pipeline will be described together with the current algorithms for extraction of the oil flow variables. An introduction to a curvilinear-coordinate-based algorithm for the forward problem will be presented, in addition to an adaptive direct/iterative approach to solve the forward problem efficiently. The inverse problem will be discussed in the framework of two regularization methods: the total variation regularization and the semi-H1 norm regularization. The major difference between the two regularizations methods is that the total variation does not smooth jump-discontinuities. Performance comparisons between our code and the finite-element based package EIT2D will be presented.

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