Resonant X-ray Diffraction (RXD) is a synchrotron technique exploiting atomic resonances in materials to investigate energy, symmetry and correlation of their empty states in reciprocal lattice space. The specific perspective offered allows the investigation of electronic ordering Fourier components and their behavior under perturbations, aiming at the determination of their origin and interactions. With the addition of coherence, as generated by last generation x-ray sources, the view is further widened and it includes order parameter inhomogeneity (real space view), or their collective dynamics (time).
In my talk, I will present a new analysis approach of coherent RXD data which allows to achieve experimentally limited resolution, in both space AND time, under very general conditions. As a result, coherent RXD is now able to offer an unprecedented view on a number of systems realizing electronic orderings, self-organization, collective dynamics and interplay of degrees of freedom. The specific case of an artificial magnetic system will be discussed in details, offering a paradigmatic example of the deep implications generated by this analysis on a wide range of physical phenomena of general interest (avalanche phenomena, phase transition, stochastic events, …). A natural extension to other, completely different techniques, will be discussed as well.