O(M lnM) Orbital-Free Density Functional Theory

Yan Wang
University of British Columbia, Vancouver

In the beginning of quantum mechanical Density-Functional Theory (DFT), there was the Thomas-Fermi (TF) model, which uses the electron density (a function of only 3 coordinates) as the only physical variable. Calculations with this model were inexpensive but yielded poor numerical results due to a lack of understanding of exchange-correlation effects and the kinetic-energy density functional. Many years later, Hohenberg and Kohn (HK) established the formal foundation for DFT; Kohn and Sham (KS) devised a practical implementation and brought DFT into mainstream calculations of electronic structure. Although the KS formulation allows exact evaluation of the KS kinetic energy, the one-electron orbitals introduced by the KS scheme inevitably encumber the formulation in three ways: (i) 3N (vs. 3) degrees of freedom, (ii) orbital orthonormalization, and (iii)Brillouin-zone sampling in condensed phases. Given the accuracy of DFT with present exchange-correlation density functionals, it is logical to conclude that the last frontier in DFT is a better representation of the kinetic energy solely in terms of the density. If this is true, KS orbitals will be completely eliminated from DFT formulation, and the density can be solved directly from the TF-HK equation. This is certainly superior to the KS scheme because all energy terms can be computed in momentum space with an effectively linear scaling, O(M lnM), where M is the integration grid size. This work reviews major ideas in the design of such optimal orbital-free kinetic-energy density functionals, their applications, and possible areas for future development.

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