In this talk we will first present a geometric framework for computing sulcii curves. We will then concentrate on new techniques for computing brain matter complexity from diffusion imaging.
C. Y. Kao, M. Hofer, G. Sapiro, J. Stern, K. Rehm, and D. A. Rottenberg, ``A geometric method for automatic extraction of sulcal fundi,IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging 26, pp. 530-540, 2007.
G. Haro, G. Randall, and G. Sapiro, Translated Poisson mixture model for stratification learning,
International Journal Computer Vision, to appear.
G. Haro, C. Lenglet, G. Sapiro, and P. Thompson, On the non-uniform complexity of brain activity,''
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Paris, May 2008.
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