The Superfacilty Model for Connected Science

Deborah Bard
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Over the past five years, one of the biggest changes in scientific supercomputing has been the increasing complexity of scientific workflows and the new demands these place on traditional HPC infrastructure. The next generation of supercomputers will be designed to support workflows combining data movement and analysis, AI and large-scale simulations. In anticipation of this, DOE supercomputing facilities are developing new capabilities in support of data-centric workflows via powerful computing, storage and networking systems. In this talk I will discuss the Superfacility concept - a framework developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab to support experimental and observational science via an integrated infrastructure of computing, networking and services.
I will introduce how supercomputing at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing center (NERSC) is being leveraged in experimental science to change the way we collect and analyze data in fields as diverse as particle physics, cosmology, materials science and structural biology. Through case studies and real-life challenges, I will describe the science requirements that are driving our work, and how this translates into technical innovations in data management, scheduling, networking and automation. In particular, I will focus on the new ways experimental scientists are accessing HPC facilities, and the implications for future system design.

Presentation (PDF File)

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