Density matrix embedding theory (DMET) is a quantum embedding theory de-
signed to treat strong correlation eects in large quantum systems while maintaining
reasonable computation costs. The idea behind DMET is that in complex systems
the region of interest often forms merely one (small) part of a much larger system. It
is therefore natural to think about numerically treating the system with two dierent
approaches|high-level calculations on the active regions of interest, and low-level
calculation on the respective environments|and then `glue' the obtained results to-
A key component in the DMET formalism is the matching of density matrix blocks
obtained from the high-level and low-level theories; the ability to achieve exact match-
ing is an important issue in the DMET procedure since its inception as, in practical
calculations, this is sometimes not achievable. In such a case, the global band gap of
the low-level theory vanishes, and this can require additional numerical considerations
in order to obtain accurate results. We nd that both the violation of the exact match-
ing condition and the vanishing low-level gap are related to the assumption that the
high-level density matrix blocks are non-interacting pure-state v-representable (NI-
PS-V), which assumes that the low-level density matrix is constructed following the
Aufbau principle where the orbitals are obtained from an auxiliary low-level system.
A potential remedy is to relax the NI-PS-V assumption in DMET and allow for pure
states following arbitrary occupation proles. This seems to be a daunting problem as
the number of distinct occupation proles is combinatorially large. We propose to use
an augmented Lagrangian method, coupled with a projected gradient descent method
to solve this modied constrained optimization problem. The inclusion of this opti-
mization over all possible occupation proles into the self-consistent DMET work
is christened alm-DMET. The alm-DMET method relaxes the NI-PS-V assumption,
which allows the pure state to follow any occupation prole|possibly violating the
Aufbau principle|while yielding an idempotent low-level density matrix. Numer-
ical evidence shows that this relaxation of the Aufbau principle indeed allows the
alm-DMET method to yield exact matching, which improves the numerical accuracy
compared to conventional self-consistent DMET methods.