Combinatorics: Methods and Applications in Mathematics and Computer Science

September 8 - December 11, 2009


Combinatorics is a fundamental mathematical discipline as well as an essential component of many mathematical areas. It studies discrete objects and their properties. Although it is probably as old as the human ability to count, the field experienced tremendous growth during the last fifty years. This program will focus specifically on several major research topics in modern Discrete Mathematics. These topics include Probabilistic Methods, Extremal Problems for Graphs and Set Systems, Ramsey Theory, Additive Number Theory, Combinatorial Geometry, Discrete Harmonic Analysis and its applications to Combinatorics and Computer Science. We aim to foster interaction between researchers in these rather diverse fields, to discuss recent progress and to communicate new results. We would like also to put an emphasis on the exchange of ideas, approaches and techniques between various areas of Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science and on the identification of new tools from other areas of mathematics which can be used to solve combinatorial problems.

Organizing Committee

Gil Kalai (Hebrew University)
Janos Pach (City College of New York)
Vera Sos (Renyi Institute of Mathematics)
Angelika Steger (ETH ZĂ¼rich)
Benjamin Sudakov (University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA))
Terence Tao (University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA))