Graduate Summer School on Post-quantum and Quantum Cryptography

July 25 - 29, 2022


After decades of theoretical work demonstrating the power of quantum computation, steady experimental progress has led us to the point where practical realizations of quantum computers are on the horizon. It has long been recognized that the advent of quantum computers poses a serious threat to most cryptosystems currently in use. On the flip side, ever since Wiesner’s discovery of conjugate coding in the 1970s and the Bennett-Brassard protocol for quantum key distribution it has been known that quantum information can be leveraged to achieve security guarantees with no classical analogue.

The goal of this summer school is to present an in-depth introduction to post-quantum and quantum cryptography for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, as well as young researchers, in mathematics, computer science, and physics. Lecturers in the school will discuss both topics hand in hand: post-quantum cryptography, or the art of analyzing security of classical cryptosystems against attacks, and quantum cryptography, or the art of leveraging quantum effects to develop new cryptographic schemes that are made possible by quantum information.

The school will combine tutorial-style lectures with more advanced research talks by leading researchers in the area. The tutorials will be aimed at establishing a common language between all participants, including the formalism of quantum computation (qubits, quantum circuits, information measures, etc.) and basics of cryptography (security definitions, public- and private-key primitives, etc.). Research talks will cover topics of current interest in post-quantum cryptography, such as quantum attacks on classical cryptosystems, cryptography based on lattices and other post-quantum assumptions, security in the quantum random oracle model and quantum cryptography, such as quantum key distribution, delegation of quantum computation, quantum homomorphic encryption, and more.

This summer school will include a poster session; a request for posters will be sent to registered participants in advance of the summer school.

Program Flyer

Organizing Committee

Gorjan Alagic (University of Maryland)
Anne Broadbent (University of Ottawa)
Dana Dachman-Soled (University of Maryland)
Jonathan Katz (University of Maryland)
Thomas Vidick (California Institute of Technology)
Mark Zhandry (NTT Research and Princeton University)