Short Course: Sparse Representations and High Dimensional Geometry : In conjunction with the AMS 2007 Von Neumann Symposium

May 30 - June 1, 2007


The 2007 edition of the AMS Von Neumann Symposium concerns Sparse Representation and High-Dimensional Geometry, which is currently undergoing rapid advances in both theory and application. The Von Neumann Symposium will bring together an exceptional assembly of researchers investigating this topic from different perspectives. Invited speakers are leading experts in algorithm design and analysis, information and coding theory, and geometric and functional analysis. To breakdown barriers between these often distinct groups, the invited speakers will give talks accessible to the broad audience.

This associated short course will be held five weeks prior to the 2007 Von Neumann Symposium. The principle aim is to provide a firm foundation in sparse approximation to members of the scientific community new to the topic – before the Von Neumann Symposium. Each speaker will give three informal 50 minute tutorials on his or her area of expertise, conveying his or her unique perspective. Speakers will be in residence for the entire three day meeting and will be available to participants for in depth discussions.

Organizing Committee

Anna Gilbert (University of Michigan)
Jared Tanner (University of Utah)