Seven dimensional manifolds with holonomy group G2 are always Einstein manifolds. Examples of them are constructed by Bryant, Salamon, Joyce, Kovalev and others. Even though we expect to have a lot of them, a general existence theorem is still lacking. G2 geometry can be interpreted as oriented octonion geomery (Lee and Leung). It has natural classes of calibrated submanifolds (Harvey and Lawson) and Yang-Mills bundles (Donaldson and Thomas). In M-theory, G2 manifolds play an important role, similar to the role of Calabi-Yau threefolds in String theory. There are many duality transformations for them. In particular Calabi-Yau 3-folds with D-branes are equivalent to M-theory backgrounds with G2 holonomy (Atiyah, Maldacena, Vafa). In this context G2 flop can be used to explain Large N dualities. Mirror symmetry in the context of G2 is very interesting to study in the context of T-duality (Acharya, Gukov-Yau-Zaslow, Aganagic-Vafa). This workshop aims at exploring the various aspects of G2 manifolds. Among the topics to be explored are:
Huai-Dong Cao
Naichung Conan Leung
(University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
Cumrun Vafa
(Harvard University)
Shing-Tung Yau
(Harvard University)