With the recent advent of high quality large-scale catalogs of galaxies, we are in a position to test various hypotheses about galaxy formation and to compare the `standard models’ such as lambda-CDM, with observations. In this direction, new multiscale tools for N-point correlation functions, for N-body problems, and for new-wave feature detection (e.g. of filaments and sheets), offer exciting opportunities.
The goal of this workshop is to bring scientists from the astronomical community together with mathematicians to explore state-of-the-art methods and new challenges.
Topics to be covered include:
Peter Coles
(University of Nottingham)
David Donoho
(Stanford University)
Olivier Forni
(University of Paris Sud)
Vicent Martinez, Co-chair
(University of Valencia, Spain)
Jean-Luc Starck, Co-chair
(CEA Saclay, France)